Out with the old and in with the new

22 January 2015
22 January 2015, Comments: 0

New investment made to enhance painting facilities at SMS.

SMS felt it was time to replace the old pre-treatment facility as it was not cost effective, therefore we old paint plant pic1utilised the Christmas shutdown period to call in contractors to remove the old system and install a more efficient and modern system. The new system would utilise water and chemicals in a more efficient way, as well as an added filtration process was attached to reduce the chemical changeover frequency.

We have always offered 3 phase pre-treatment to components powder coated, and therefore we have inOLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAvested funds in renewing the pre-treatment chemical tanks, wash booths and primer appliance.

This will improve the cleaning of the components before painting, and will also benefit the primer applied to the metals, together assisting the ahesion processes of the powder, therefore a valuable acquisition to the company.

old paint plant pic5

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