Prototype Design & Development

Cost-effective Prototype Design & Development in Liverpool

prototype design and development sheet metal services

Prototype Design & Development

Sheet Metal Services can produce metal fabricated prototypes quickly and cost-effectively through our highly experienced team of engineers utilising comprehensive 3D modelling and CNC manufacturing facilities.

We have a design team of skilled, experienced engineers who offer dedicated service to our customers. We pride ourselves on providing cost-effective solutions for potential new products.

Production prototypes help solve problems more cost-effectively. We work with our customers to provide alternative manufacturing techniques that improve build quality and save time, ultimately reducing costs.

One of our most significant assets is our ability to solve problems. Often, our customers come to us because they have something they need to do but don’t know how to do it. We use all of our experience to devise valuable solutions. We also have a quick turnaround time.

product design and testing

Product Design and Testing

The Sheet Metal Services team helps streamline product design and testing while ensuring that every sheet metal product is manufactured to the highest possible standards.

Our team’s main aim is to:

• Produce detailed engineering drawings
• Provide accurate bills of materials
• Design and produce working prototypes
• Liaise with customers to provide initial design to eliminate delays or mistakes
• Material utilisation due to nesting of components
• Reverse engineering to reduce costs


• Radan
• Inventor 3D
• Autocad

Get in touch with us

Sandy Road Industrial Estate
Sandy Lane
L21 1AF

Tel: 0151 949 0889

Email: [email protected]